Sunday, January 2, 2011

How many species of Bears are there?

Did you know there are seven different species of bears? The Polar Bear is just one of them, with a lifespan of 30 years! Wow, I didn't realize they could live SO long. Weighing up to 1,595 for males or 548 for females, one wouldn't realize how agile they can be. It is said that they are sleek, swift and remarkably agile in and out of the water. Polar Bears are solitary, with the exception of breeding and then gathering at a plentiful food source. 
Kelly found the information from Wildlife Explorer, International Masters Publisher (card 4)

1 comment:

  1. I was watching Sarah Palin's Alaska (don't mock!) the other night and they were talking about bears. They had planned a camping trip and went to learn more about protecting themselves. The teacher showed a map of Alaska and the concentration of bears. It was interesting because they talked about polar bears and how there used to be a higher population of them and that campers had to "fight them off". Now he said that to come across a polar bear is not very common. It is sad because as scary as bears are, and I hope to never encounter one, I hate to see them disappear.
