Sunday, January 2, 2011

Endangered Species

Check out U.S. Fish and Wildlife site.  They have great resources on conservation.  The endangered species section has a search for specific states and I know that my students are always more interested in what is happening in their own area. (Jane)


  1. One of the things that I love about teaching fourth grade is that we teach Utah science and history. It really helps the students because they are able to identify with what we are talking about. I often hear them say "I have been there" or "I have seen one of those before". The students will also go home and tell their parents about places they should go or animals they want to see. When I looked up information about Utah endangered species I did not know most of the animals. The one that did surprise me though was the prairie dog. I was unaware that they were endangered. I just assumed that there was plenty of them and that they were kind of obnoxious. Maybe that is why they are going extinct?

  2. What a fun topic! Who knows, you may be on to something here Bre!
